Saturday, August 25, 2012

Medium Fish, Slightly Smaller Pond

Boy, that old adage holds true, even when the 'little pond' is NY!

In the *5* weeks I was in LA (which has certainly over double the work that NY does), I was called in for 1 audition. Even having met people, having established relationships beforehand, and seeing a lot of work that was a GREAT match for me--1 audition in 5 weeks!

I get home, and what happens? Within 24 hours, I'm called in for a new primetime episodic. Then, in only 2 weeks of being home, I'm called in for yet another, AND a lead in a studio film. In a place with half the work--3 auditions in 2 weeks.

NY, you might be the smaller pond, but you sure show me love like a big fish. <3
