Friday, April 20, 2012

The Strands of Change

I haven't had a REAL haircut in 12 years. Not since I was 15 years old, storming into a salon and thinking I'd found the secret for eternal bounciness--loads and loads of layers!

"Start them at the tops of my ears!" I demanded. "Do as many as possible!" My stylist looked dubious at best, but she sure did what I'd requested. By the end I had a madly mobile SHAG with ridiculously short and plentiful layers. I thought I'd died--I was mortified at what I'd done to my head!

As it started to grow out, I was pleased to discover that (as my shag grew to normal lengths) it looked DARN good on me. It was fun, voluminous, easy to maintain...and I was pretty in love with it. If a hairstyle could echo a personality, that did it for me.

My hair grew out (like ya do), and as it did, I grew comfortable with length. I started putting it in fun little buns all over my head, with clips of astronauts and rockets. I had LONG hair for the first time, and for 12 years, every time I went to the stylist, it was always, "Just a trim, please."

"Just a trim."

"Just a trim."

"Just a trim."

"Just a trim."

You can see that I was rather attached to my long locks. But something has been pressing me to shake it up again; to get with a hairstyle that was more fun and versatile. So today, I went to my new stylist (by far the fanciest I've ever gone to), and I got it chopped the heck off. Shorter than I'd imagined, definitely--but I think it's good. :)

Some say time is cyclical. Clearly this is true--my shag is BACK, baby!


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Finally: UNDISPUTED is streaming!

2 years ago, I filmed this flipping fantastic spec pilot with Black20 Studios for FOX--a pilot called UNDISPUTED, which is about the writers for the WWE/WWF. It's HILARIOUS, and I had such a marvelous time filming it!

I hadn't heard anything since, and assumed it was just buried in archives. However! Through the magic of the internet, I stumbled upon my episode, which is #3 in the series:

Yes, I am the frozen screenshot.

It's REALLY REALLY funny and so good--leading man Mike O'Gorman is so funny, and I know he's gonna blow up (in a good way). Oh, and this show stars real WWF/WWE Mankind (Mick Foley), who has recently taken an affinity to comedy.

Enjoy! And there are more episodes here!


Monday, April 2, 2012

"Are You In LA?!"

Nope. ;) (Huh. I suppose this post could end here, but--)

So, a LOT of people are excited and pleased with the way my career's moving along (Yay! Thank you!), and over and over again, I get, "Sooooo...when are you moving to LA?"

This is such a loaded question for a NY actor! Some actors never want LA to be in their scope, some were already there and prefer NY, many can't WAIT to get there.

Beloved Mayor Bloomberg just introduced 5 more sound studios to the city, and this has facilitated the first time NY actually trumps LA in drama pilots! That's pretty powerful. 2011 was a record high of 23 TV shows in NY, and I trust that 2012 will be even more. :) Not to mention, of course, that every lick of work I've done has been here--all the TV shows, the movies screening at prestigious festivals, everything has been NY-based. So anyone who says there's no work in NY is just plain wrong.

For me, though? Yeah, I think LA is the ultimate destination for me. Why? Because I want SITCOMS--and as of right now, La-La Land is Sitcom-land!

So what'll it take for you to get on a plane?

I have a strong gut feeling that work will be what gets me out there--that the work comes first, THEN I fly out. And if it's time for LA to be my home, I'll know it. :)
