Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Superbly Embarrassing (but Hilarious) Photos

"When did you first know you wanted to be an actor?"

Most actors say that they discovered in high school when they did their first real show, but I knew WAY before that. Like, at age 3. But how do you quantify that? Oh, I know! With RIDICULOUSLY APT PICTURES.

For your perusal:

Me and my cousin, Ruby, when I was 4 or 5.

Interpretive dance as my dad accompanies me on the keyboard. 5 or 6. (The skirt was my grandmother's square-dancing garb.)

Probably the most chic that I will ever be.

How do YOU celebrate the new year? Clearly, for me, pants-less.

On our first cruise, the cruise director interviewed 'a princess,' and apparently I nearly did stand-up comedy for 10 minutes.

"Oh, it's cool, Mom. I'll host Christmas. I got this."

Jen Ponton premieres in 1987 with "The Littlest Christmas Tree"! 1 afternoon only!
(Extra bonus: The girl in front? Totally my NY actress friend now. INSANE.)

Yeah, my mom and dad TOTALLY saw this coming MILES away.
