Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dreams, Actually

No, ACTUALIZED DREAMS. :D I'm on a bigger kick than usual. Why?

I visited the Henson exhibit at the Museum of the Moving Image. Yes, I know--Jen, why didn't you see this in July? Jen, you did the Sloane Readings there--why didn't you go then? Well, it was snowing. But it all worked out, you see, because I went with 2 good friends on a day that they were screening *ALL 3 MAJOR '80s MUPPET MOVIES* in their theater!

But what this really boils down to is the last point, here. This incredible exhibit hosts a plethora of not only Muppets and Muppet artifacts; what I found most compelling, actually, is all of Henson's WRITTEN NOTES, storyboards and proposals. You guys, he proposed and pitched The Muppet Show for SIX. TEEN. YEARS. Before it got accepted. He proposed, pitched and designed all his ideas--and he was rife with them! There are cover sheets for proposals that are sketched, doodled, and colored with markers, not printed from a machine. (Your point, Jen?) Jim Henson is passion and drive, personified.

And as an only child, I was literally SUBMERGED in almost 100% Henson--Sesame Street, The Muppet Show, the Muppet films, Fraggle Rock, Muppet Babies, Mother Goose Stories, Hey Cinderella!, The Frog Prince, Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal... My only other entertainment was My Little Ponies and Care Bears, so it was nearly all-Henson, all the time.

It hit me like an anvil--the biggest reason that I possess all this drive and passion is *because* of Jim Henson!

I always knew my tie to him was strong, but for him to be the crux of my life's mission statement? What an incredible, inspirational man. He always knew he was born to create and share this world of whimsy, and his vision never faltered. AND--he DREW to him a dream team of like-minded geniuses. I shall not fail you, sir!


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It's Good to be the King

After a terribly rough week, I'm delighted to emerge with good news--

"KING KELLY" is premiering at SxSW (South-by-Southwest) this March! :D

My first film to have emerged from post-production, and I'm so excited that it will be showing at this fun, quirky festival!

SeeThink Team, Susan Shopmaker Casting, and the phenomenal cast--CONGRATULATIONS!
Follow "King Kelly" here. Deets on the film and its festival showings here. :)

This is very good news...and hopefully just paves the way for a bunch of great festival appearances!


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I Stand

Spoiler Alert: I'm a fat girl. Always have been. It took me a VERY long time to be cool with that and even embrace it, but now that I do, it's one of my most steadfast core beliefs--that no one's body is 'wrong,' and that you're given what you're given for a reason.

I'm very into body love, size acceptance, and the belief of Health at Every Size, and I am super proud to know and stand with a WHOLE lot of wonderful people--big and small--who feel the same way. We believe that bullying and shaming people about their bodies will never be 'helping them.' This is especially true for kids.

Georgia is trying to fix fat kids with ad campaigns that shame, bully and insult--they call it 'Strong4Life.' So we body lovers? We're standing with a different message:

Actress Jen Ponton stands! www.JenPonton.com

Do you want to stand, too? Go on and send a picture with your 'I Stand' statement to the legendary Marilyn Wann: Marilyn@FatSo.com

I stand for less people believing they're 'less than.' <3
