Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Halfway Through Production!

Hey y'all!

Having a BLAST here on the FRANNY set! We've collected some PRIME ink.

We're featured in The Warwick Advertiser, Around the Lake, The Express Times (my hometown paper!), and we even got coverage on local News 12 in Orange County, NY!

Though we're all paring down our FRANNY buzz to save the really good stuff for festivals and releases, I have to share this with you all. Everyone's been urging me to go red for YEARS...

It IS a wig. But is red a future possibility? Perhaps...

My co-star, Steve Howey (Reba, Shameless) just arrived today, and we've already hit it off! Which is good. Considering that he's my love interest for the film.

I can't communicate how much FUN I've been having with my film family--from the cast, to the amazing creative team, to the INCREDIBLE crew, every moment with these guys is full of fun and joyful work. And it's not just me! Everyone feels the same way, so I know it's not just my peppy nature at work!

I am SO blessed to have a dream role on a dream story with a dream team. :D


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

FRANNY arrives!

I'm writing LIVE on my one day off for the entire shoot! FRANNY began filming yesterday in scenic upstate New York, where it's been gorgeous and sunny and full of vibrant autumn colors!

I'm going into SERIOUS detail, here. I will bold the important stuff if you wanna skim!

I hopped in the car with our producer and production coordinator to get to set for an EARLY start on Monday! The whole crew came to the headquarters on Sunday night, and we threw a celebratory BBQ in the freezing cold with a giant bonfire going. It's like camp for adults! XD

I moseyed on over to hair and make-up at the crack of dawn to get tanned, glowy and bouffanted. Our H/MU team--Yiselle and Morgan--are so friendly and super-lovely, and we'd gotten to know each other at the bonfire. I was then suited up into full bizarre Franny apparel.

Franny really marches to the beat of her own drum. So a glittery lily-pad shirt paired with a tropical gypsy skirt and hot pink Keds? MARVELOUS.

After I was all dressed and ready to go, I hopped in the car with our 2nd AD, Niki (who I adore), and swallowed a quick cup of coffee and an egg sandwich. I was catapulted into the first scene shot--which was me in my car, Sweet Yellow (a yellow 1965 Mustang). This poor car! It's SO broken-down and falling apart--so much so that the floor under the passenger seat has disintegrated.

We moved to a scene that required that poor car to move--which meant it was going in neutral, and the Art dept. was pushing in the back. ;)

We also shot a scene in a drive-through, and I moved to a SECOND car full of character--one being billed as a green Pinto!

I got to order food from an apathetic fast food server, played by our director. :)
So fun! We then moved to this gorgeous boutique for a shopping scene, where I worked with my first principal actor, Alicia Sable as the sales girl.

I had Tuesday off, but visited the set of Franny's employ, a dog grooming salon. I met Frances Fisher, who plays my mother (SHE IS THE BEST), and I can't wait to work with her!!

In actually on set right this moment as I type, in a quick break while they film a shot that I'm not in. :) I get to play with dogs all day, and my bosses are Broadway actresses Mary Testa and Ruth Gottschall! Dooooo fun. Best job to date, hands down. :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Calm Before the Storm

My life changes significantly on Monday, when we begin shooting FRANNY. :)

These last days beforehand are full of quiet promise, as I get together different mailings and e-blasts and blog posts! I'm still waiting on all the details (what day I leave, when I come back), but I know some exciting things--I have the script, and I know who my co-stars are (I'm keeping it mum, but EGADS)!

I'm spending lots of time with my husband before I leave, too, because I don't know how frequently I'll be home from start-to-finish. We're having lavish dinners together and demolishing Netflix TV (specifically Arrested Development and Buffy)--which is *amaziiiing*!

Trying to do as much and appreciate as much as I can while I'm here, before the whole game changes in a really PHENOMENAL way. XD

In fact, I'll be up to my gills with filming next week, so before I miss this:


The miniseries runs nightly, Sunday through Friday--catch me on Weds. and Thurs.!

I'm bringing a camera to remind me to take pictures and video where appropriate, so I'm hoping to combine those with some great blogs while we're in production!
